Sailing School


The Sailing School of the Yacht Club Punta Ala is divided into two sections: the first, during summer time, is manly directed to those who want to learn the basis and the second, during winter, dedicated to get young sailors ready to face competitions and entry into competitive teams. The sailing school offers different type of boats such as Optimist,Laser,Vaurien,555FIV,29er,RS Feva,Hanse 303,2.4,RS Venture, in order to respond properly to everyone's need and to different educational experiences and competitions. Sailing School  "Bruno Calandriello" is also affiliated to the  FIV (Italian Sailing Federation) for the under 16 and Match Racing activity

In the context of the development and support of promotional activity for the approach to the sport of sailing, in recent years the Yacht Club Punta Ala approached relevant disability issues as sailing turns out to be one of the sports that you can adapt to all types of disabilities. This process, initiated by the Italian National Authority for Sailing (FIV) in 2003 with the signing of a protocol with the Italian National Authority for Sport Disability (FISD), today is a fundamental moment, joint as in May 2009 the signing of a memorandum of understanding between FIV and Italian Paralympic Committee (CIP) created a special promotion Department, for support and development of sailing sport for athletes with disabilities, so they have also the possibility to live fully in the sea, sailing on special boats and compete in sailing competitions. At the Marina di Punta Ala has been created a nautical accessible area and thanks to the recognition by the FIV Committee for Area II (Tuscany-Umbria), CIP Toscana and of Regione Toscana (Sporthabile project) the Yacht Club Punta Ala plays sailing courses for the disabled. The central objective of the activity is to create a true integration of otherwise skilled disables in the field of competition by enabling joint programmers taught by qualified instructors for the creation of integrated training. The project also has the ambition to become a first step towards a real social integration. The sport of sailing can be practiced by people with mobility and sensory disabilities, and engines with appropriate supports to mentally disabled. For the implementation of the objectives and in order to give greater strength to the project throughout Tuscany, Yacht Club Punta Ala strives for the involvement and awareness of all stakeholders including: Regione Toscana, Italian Paralympic Committee, INAIL, ANMIL.


Attachment Size
Regulation282.74 KB 282.74 KB
Registration Form112.89 KB 112.89 KB
Procedure sicurezza Scuola Vela Estiva e Squadre Agonistiche 2024112.89 KB 112.89 KB
Adesione al codice etico delle società sportive371.92 KB 371.92 KB